Do you ever step outside to enjoy your morning coffee and watch the sunrise over the lake, only to remember, you don’t have a waterfront property?

Sounds like you may have a yard drainage issue.

Lucky for you, Exterior Drainage Systems is an expert in inspecting, diagnosing, and solving yard drainage issues across Central Ohio. Call or Contact Us today. Let’s get your yard back.




Do you ever step outside to enjoy your morning coffee and watch the sunrise over the lake, only to remember, you don’t have a waterfront property?

Sounds like you may have a yard drainage issue.

Lucky for you, Exterior Drainage Systems is an expert in inspecting, diagnosing, and solving yard drainage issues across Central Ohio.

Call or Contact Us today.

Let’s get your yard back.

If you’re on this page, you’re probably dealing with one of the following issues:

Water leaking into your basement or crawl space

Water is pooling up against your house after rainfall or snow melt

Your yard slopes inward and directs water towards your house

You have a sinkhole in the middle of your yard which creates a swampy, wet area

Downspouts are funneling water right next to your house – where it can find its way into your basement


Puddling and standing water in your yard is a major headache for homeowners and may be the result of a more serious issue, such as broken or blocked drains or improper grading. This standing water not only creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes, it renders your yard muddy, swampy, and practically unusable, (unless you have the means to do some waterskiing.) Aside from the yard issues, standing water is a result of waterlogged soil surrounding your home. With any rain or thawing snow the water has to be drained, and without proper yard drainage solutions the water has no where to go except through the soil. Once the ground has soaked up enough water it can begin to produce pressure against your basement walls and floors causing many issues. The most common sign of bad yard grading and drainage is finding puddles of water surrounding the exterior of your home near the concrete of your basement. Additional problems may occur over time leading to foundation deterioration if left untreated.

It can be difficult to determine the exact cause of the issue, because your drainage system is located under the ground! During our inspection, EDS utilizes drain scoping camera equipment to get “eyes on” to quickly and accurately determine the source of the yard draining issue, saving you time, money, and unnecessary excavation of your yard. Once the yard drainage issue is diagnosed, EDS will provide you with an estimate for corrective services, getting your yard back to a usable state in no time.



If you’re on this page, you’re probably dealing with one of the following issues:

Water leaking into your basement or crawl space

Water is pooling up against your house after rainfall or snow melt

Your yard slopes inward and directs water towards your house

You have a sinkhole in the middle of your yard which creates a swampy, wet area

Downspouts are funneling water right next to your house – where it can find its way into your basement

Puddling and standing water in your yard is a major headache for homeowners and may be the result of a more serious issue, such as broken or blocked drains or improper grading. This standing water not only creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes, it renders your yard muddy, swampy, and practically unusable, (unless you have the means to do some waterskiing.) Aside from the yard issues, standing water is a result of waterlogged soil surrounding your home. With any rain or thawing snow the water has to be drained, and without proper yard drainage solutions the water has no where to go except through the soil. Once the ground has soaked up enough water it can begin to produce pressure against your basement walls and floors causing many issues. The most common sign of bad yard grading and drainage is finding puddles of water surrounding the exterior of your home near the concrete of your basement. Additional problems may occur over time leading to foundation deterioration if left untreated.

It can be difficult to determine the exact cause of the issue, because your drainage system is located under the ground! During our inspection, EDS utilizes drain scoping camera equipment to get “eyes on” to quickly and accurately determine the source of the yard draining issue, saving you time, money, and unnecessary excavation of your yard. Once the yard drainage issue is diagnosed, EDS will provide you with an estimate for corrective services, getting your yard back to a usable state in no time.